Hi, everybody, welcome to Episode 22 of the photography explained podcast in this episode, I wish you a Merry Christmas.
I’m your host, Rick, and each week I will try to explain one photographic thing to you in plain English in less than 10 minutes without the irrelevant details. My aim is to explain things in just enough detail to help with us our photography and no more.
Another thing is that I would to be able to say that without making it sound like I’m reading it!
In this episode I just want to wish each and every one of you a Merry Christmas, and I hope that you have a safe and enjoyable break.
Here is the podcast episode if you want to listen to this.
This year has been horrendous.
No point saying anything other than that – 2020 has been horrendous, more horrendous for some than others. All we can wish for is a better 2021.
So what’s next on the Photography Explained Podcast?
Well in Episode 23, I’m going to continue my theme talking about exposure by going deep, not too deep, deep in 10 minutes, PE23 – What Is Aperture In Photography?
I’m contemplating going back to my weekly schedule from twice weekly, but who knows we’ll have a look at that one and see.
This episode was brought to you by the power of Christmas cheer. No alcohol involved. Not yet.
I’ve been Rick McEvoy. Thanks again for listening to my podcast over the last two or three months. And once again,
Merry Christmas. Stay safe. Cheers from me, Rick
OK – that was the podcast episode.
Want to know more?
Head over to the Start page on the Photography Explained Podcast website to find out more.
And here is the list of episodes published to date – you can listen to any episode straight from this page which is nice.
Let me know if there is a photography thing that you want me to explain and I will add it to my list. Just head over to the This is my list of things to explain page of this website to see what is on there already.
Let me send you stuff
I send out a weekly email to my subscribers. It is my take on one photography thing, plus what I have been writing and talking about. Just fill in the box and you can get my weekly photographic musings straight to your inbox. Which is nice.
And finally a little bit about me
Finally, yes this paragraph is all about me – check out my Rick McEvoy Photography website to find out more about me and my architectural, construction, real estate and travel photography work. I also write about general photography stuff, all in plain English without the irrelevant detail.
Thank you
Thanks for listening to my podcast (if you did) and reading this blog post (which I assume you have done as you are reading this).
Cheers from me Rick