Hi, everybody. Welcome to the photography explained podcast. I’m your host Rick and each week I will try to explain one photographic thing to you in plain English in less than 10 minutes.
In this first episode of my brand new photography podcast, I will introduce myself to you all and tell you what my podcast is all about.
You can listen to the episode here
Or keep on reading. Or do both. Entirely up to you!
Why photography explained?
Well, I listen to podcasts all the time, but I’ve never found a podcast that explains photography stuff to the level that I want things explained. That is one thing at a time and in plain English.
So I decided to start my own podcast and here it is!
So what do I mean by photography thing?
To be honest, I couldn’t think of a better way of putting it. When I say a thing, I mean a single photographic thing. It could be a technical term, an acronym, a company or a product, anything really, but one thing at a time.
And that’s the point of this – one thing at a time.
I’m looking forward to sharing the knowledge I have built up over more than 30 years of practising photography, and also to learning new things myself. The point of my podcast is to explain things in enough detail to help you and me with our photography and no more.
I will not get bogged down in too much detail. There are plenty of other places for that – I don’t have the time or the patience (or the interest) to deep dive into everything. I just want to know what I need to know to help me with my photography.
And the most important thing for me about photography is taking great photos and taking better photos each time you try. So, I will try to explain each photography thing in a nice relaxed style. There will be digressions along the way based on my lifetime practising photography, and anything else that might have the misfortune to pop out of my head.
No editing
There will be no editing. Well, not to start with anyway, as I don’t know how to do this yet. It’s just me talking into a microphone in my office. All I will have is headings about the subject I have come up with for the podcast episode. And of course, notes on things I’ve had to do research on that aren’t in my head already.
About this Episode
Okay, this episode has been written in advance as this is the first episode after all, and I don’t want to make a mess of it. If it sounds like I’m reading something out, that’s because I am. But this will be the first and last time that I do this.
For the next two episodes I’ve already got the headings drafted out – these will be just me with a heading as a prompt talking. Well, with a little bit of thought – it’s not completely off the top of my head.
Who am I?
I want to tell you a little bit about me. I won’t be long – don’t worry. I’m a photographer based in the UK. I’m professionally qualified in photography, and I’m also professionally qualified in construction. So you shouldn’t be surprised to hear that I specialise in architectural photography and also construction photography.
I also love travel. And of course, as a consequence, travel photography.
My websites
I have three websites at the moment.
This is my main website, where you can find out all about me and read my weekly photography blog. It’s a bit more than weekly at the moment, and this podcast is giving me more new material which is great stuff. You can also see a small selection of my photography work there. This website will be the home of this podcast once I get everything sorted.
An update on this
Since I started my podcast I have created a website just for the podcast titled, wait for it, Photography Explained Podcast. I really don’t know how I come up with this original stuff!
I’ve got two other websites. What are they?
This is a website I created all about travel photography on the fantastic Greek island of Santorini.
This is a travel website about the equally wonderful Greek island of Paxos (not pack sauce as the transcript thinks!), which we love going back to year after year.
What else about me?
So outside of photography, what do I like doing? Well, my family are very important to me. I love travelling, I love cricket. I love football. I love reading mainly on holiday – whoever gets the time to read apart from when you’re on holiday?
And listening to podcasts.
I also like exercise when I can be bothered. I’m very hit-and-miss with this, to be honest with you. And I also like beer and wine.
Is this my first podcast?
You might have guessed by now I’m not a professional broadcaster Far from it. I’m just a normal chap talking to myself in my home office. I do that too much, to be honest with you. And I think that we’re all doing a little bit too much stuff at home in the current environment, but things will get better.
What’s next?
Well, that’s going to be episode number one, as apparently, the convention is that introductory episodes don’t count as a number in your podcast. Never quite understood that but who am I to disagree?
Episode number one will be a quick dive into what photography is. And when I say what photography is that could be answered in two words. But I will expand on to what photography is to me, this is going to be quite a personal dive into what photography means to me and what it’s given me, and what I think of photography, having been involved in it for the vast, vast majority of my adult life.
Don’t worry, this one’s all about me. After that, I will get specific. Episode Two will be about how a camera actually works. See I have thought about this stuff! But I just wanted to start at the very beginning of photography with what it actually means, which I think is fair enough.
Want me to explain something?
If there’s anything you want me to explain, then let me know, and I’ll add it to the list on my website. I’m going to have show notes on my website soon. And also on the podcast episodes, I guess. Remembering I’ve never done this before – you have to bear with me while I get this stuff sorted.
I will publish the list of future subjects on my website though so you can see what’s planned for the future. And add to that list if you want to. And if I pick your question or subject or thing that you want me to explain, I will give you a shout-out on the podcast episode, and also give you a link in the show notes once I’ve worked out how to do them.
Nearly done
Okay, this is take three and a half of the introductory episode – I’m trying to get the audio right as I’ve just dived in, recorded it and published it. It was rubbish. I’m hoping that this one is the one so that is me done for now.
Thank you very much for listening to my first-ever podcast episode. See you in the next episode.
Episode One. What Is Photography?
Cheers from me, Rick.
OK – that was the podcast episode.
Want to know more?
Head over to the Start page on the Photography Explained Podcast website to find out more.
And here is the list of episodes published to date – you can listen to any episode straight from this page which is nice.
Let me know if there is a photography thing that you want me to explain and I will add it to my list. Just head over to the This is my list of things to explain page of this website to see what is on there already.
Let me send you stuff
I send out a weekly email to my subscribers. It is my take on one photography thing, plus what I have been writing and talking about. Just fill in the box and you can get my weekly photographic musings straight to your inbox. Which is nice.
And finally a little bit about me
Finally, yes this paragraph is all about me – check out my Rick McEvoy Photography website to find out more about me and my architectural, construction, real estate and travel photography work. I also write about general photography stuff, all in plain English without the irrelevant detail.
Thank you
Thanks for listening to my podcast (if you did) and reading this blog post (which I assume you have done as you are reading this).
Cheers from me Rick