Camera care is important. Camera lenses are optical and engineering marvels. Camera lenses must be treated with care and respect when used, stored carefully and regularly maintained and cleaned. Take...
Category: Photography Explained Podcast Episodes
Lenses on cameras give photographers options. To understand how lenses can help you take better photos, you need to know what you want to photograph, how you want to take these photos, and what you...
Here is the answery bit Camera lenses attach to the front of camera bodies and focus what you are taking a photo of onto the camera sensor. You can get lenses with different focal lengths, maximum...
Every photographer should aim to take better photos. That is what I aim to do and teach. Here are the 11 things that I talked about in episode 172. What are you trying to do with your...
Here is the answery bit To be the best at one photography thing, you must decide what that one photography thing is. This is how you can find your perfect photography niche. Decide what you...
Here is the answery bit Get out more and take photos, but take fewer photos. This will help you take better photos. Getting out more and taking photos gives you lots more opportunities to create...